Eye Care and Research Centre Srinagar Job Vacancies for Various Posts

Eye Care and Research Centre Srinagar Job Vacancies for Various Posts
Eye Care and Research Centre Srinagar Job Vacancies for Various Posts

If you haven't built your Resume or CV yet, you can text us on our WhatsApp Number +91-7006043799 We make it for you @ Rs. 50. only.

Eye Care and Research Centre Srinagar is hiring candidates for the post of Counsellor, Ophthalmic Assistant, Theatre Nurse and OT Assistant.

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Job Details:

  1. Name of the post: Theatre Nurse and OT Assistant
  2. Name of the post: Counsellor
  3. Name of the post: Ophthalmic Assistant

How to apply:

All applicants must mail their CVs to info@ecrc.co.in or come along with their updated resume on any working day (Mon to Sat) between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the below-mentioned address,

For queries Please contact: 0194-2474146, 0194-2504871, 9596045255

Note: Candidates who are experienced and dedicated in their job may only apply


Eye Care and Research Centre

Karan Nagar, Near Gole Market, Srinagar

Website: www.ecrc.co.in

Email: info@ecrc.co.in

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