If you haven't built your Resume or CV yet, you can text us on our WhatsApp Number +91-7006043799 We make it for you @ Rs. 50. only.
Eye Care and Research Centre Srinagar is hiring candidates for the post of Counsellor, Ophthalmic Assistant, Theatre Nurse and OT Assistant.
Job Details:
- Name of the post: Theatre Nurse and OT Assistant
- Name of the post: Counsellor
- Name of the post: Ophthalmic Assistant
How to apply:
All applicants must mail their CVs to info@ecrc.co.in or come along with their updated resume on any working day (Mon to Sat) between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the below-mentioned address,
For queries Please contact: 0194-2474146, 0194-2504871, 9596045255
Note: Candidates who are experienced and dedicated in their job may only apply
Eye Care and Research Centre
Karan Nagar, Near Gole Market, Srinagar
Website: www.ecrc.co.in
Email: info@ecrc.co.in
J&K Social Welfare Jobs, Salary 40,000,10th Pass & Graduate eligible