SKUAST Jammu Young Professional II Job Vacancies

SKUAST Jammu Young Professional II Job Vacancies
SKUAST Jammu Young Professional II Job Vacancies

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Applications in the prescribed format indicating name/permanent address/address for correspondence/ mobile number/E-mail/date of birth/qualifications/publications, work experience and any other related information for the temporary position under ICAR- NAHEP sanctioned project entitled “Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Delivering Competent Skilled Professionals” at SKUAST Jammu, the detail of which is given here under:

Position Essential Qualification Desirable Qualification
Young Professional – II. Agriculture and Allied Sciences (01 No.)


Emoluments: Rs. 35,000.00 per month (consolidated)


Post Graduation in Agriculture and Allied Sciences. 2.  Experience in ICTs, drafting and documentation skills.

3.  Experience in handling productivity software like MS- office, online/virtual meeting platforms.

4.  Experiences in management of Agriculture related projects including conducting of training and certificate courses.


Age: The minimum age under Young Professional-ll (YP-II) will be 21 years and maximum 45 years

For detailed terms and conditions and the application form, refer to the university website

How to apply:

The application should reach the office of Prof. B. C. Sharma, Principal Investigator / Coordinator (IDP), Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-Jammu, Chatha, Jammu-180009 (J&K) along with attested copies of the certificates on or before 11.10.2022 up to 04:00 PM through registered / Speed Post

The interview shall be conducted on 14.10.2022 at 11.00 AM at Directorate of Education, SKUAST- Jammu, Chatha, for which separate intimation shall be given.

No. AU J/NAHEP/IDP/22-23/518-521

Dated: 21-09-2022


Principal Investigator