Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Job Recruitment 2022, Salary 30,000

Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Job Recruitment 2022, Salary 30,000
Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Job Recruitment 2022, Salary 30,000

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Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs inviting applications from the interested candidates for appointment to the post of Member-1, District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions (District Commissions) in different districts of Jammu and Kashmir in terms of Section 28 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, read with the rules framed there under, issued vide G.S.R 452(E) dated 15-07-2020.

Job Details:

No of Posts: 03 (Three)

Qualification: The applicant should:-

  • Not be less than 35 years of age on the date of notification of the advertisement.
  • Possess a Bachelors degree from a recognized University;
  • Be person of ability, integrity and standing, and having special knowledge and professional experience of not less than 15 years in Consumer Affairs, Law, Public Affairs, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Industries, Finance, Management, Engineering, Technology, Public Health or Medicine.

Last date for acceptance of Applications: 21-07-2022

Where to apply:

Applications are accordingly invited in the attached form from the desirous candidate which shall be submitted only digitally through an email by attaching the duly filled application form in PDF format at the given email address: The Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Government of J&K, shall duly acknowledge the receipt of every application through a return mail.

A fee of Rs. 2000/- (Two Thousand only) per application has to be deposited through the Government of J&Ks Treasury under Scheme code 04080110100990383 (under the classification Receipt Head-0408, Sub Major Head-01, Minor Head-101, Group Head-0099 &Sub Head-0383). The receipt of the Treasury Fee shall be the only enclosure to be attached with the duly filled application form in PDF.

Download Official Notification and Application Form