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Advertisement for District/Divisional/UT Cadre posts of various Indenting Department under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Services – Decentralization and Recruitment Act, 2010 and rules made thereunder read with other relevant rules governing the subject.
Job Details:
- Name of the posts:
- Junior Scale Stenographer
- Junior Assistant
- Driver
- Assistant Scientific Officer
- Re-toucher Artist
- Departments: Various
Important Dates:
- Date of Commencement for submission of online applications: 20-02-2022.
- Last Date for submission of online applications: 20-03-2022
Application Fee:
(a) For posts involving two stage examination:
- Junior Scale Stenographer
- Junior Assistant
- Assistant Superintendent Jails.
Fee payable: Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) for General Category etc. and Rs.400/-(Rupees Four Hundred only) for SC,ST,PWD & EWS Categories.
(b) For posts involving single stage examination:
- Assistant Scientific Officer, Narcotics
- Assistant Scientific Officer, Chemistry and Toxicology
- Assistant Scientific Officer, DNA
- Assistant Scientific Officer, Biology/Serology
- Assistant Scientific Officer, Physics
- Assistant Scientific Officer, Ballistics
- Assistant Scientific Officer, Documents
- Assistant Scientific Officer, Cyber Forensics
- Driver
- Tractor Driver
- Re-toucher Artist
Fee payable: Rs.400/-(Rupees Four Hundred only) for General Category etc. and Rs.300/-(Rupees Three Hundred only) for SC,ST,PWD & EWS Categories.
For Full Job Details:
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