Remembering Hussain & Ahlul Bayt By M Alam Masoodi

Remembering Hussain & Ahlul Bayt By M Alam Masoodi
Remembering Hussain & Ahlul Bayt By M Alam Masoodi

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Remembering Hussain & Ahlul Bayt

Pinnacle of Sacrifice
M Alam Masoodi

The Hijri Calendar starts with one of the saddest events in Islamic history – Martyrdom of Imam Hussain in Karbala. It was the martyrdom of the People of Household (Ahlul Bayt) and its supporters, Imam Hussain being head of the Family of Prophet(pbuh) at the time stands out as an example. No doubt which school of thought a Muslim follows but this event definitely saddens him as the personalities afflicted on these days were none other than the Blood of Rasulullah(pbuh). Quoting the great Abu Bakr Siddiq in reference to showing love for the Prophet(pbuh), he says that it is in the ethos of Muslim Character to show love for the Prophet’s Family as well. This can be debatable to which extent a Muslim should go in remembering the trials and tribulations through which Ahlul Bayt underwent but one cant avoid the fact that whenever these are mentioned a Muslim is overwhelmed with extreme grief.
The event of Karbala if analysed independently without putting for it a proper context will not do justice to the sacrifices made by Ahlul Bayt over the decades before it. The decision of Imam Husain to protest against the Muslim Administration of the time is not something that came in his mind overnight but the gravity of decision is understood when all the events before Karbala are discussed in proper manner. The major strife in Muslim Ummah which resulted in three civil wars during the caliphate of Hazrat Ali and was finally ended by the sacrifice made by Ahlul Bayt for the betterment of the Ummah is the pretext which cant be side lined. The withdrawing of Imam Hassan was exemplary step in relegating the authority to Hazrat Muawiya, thus setting the example of sacrifice for the benefit of the Ummah. For next twenty years Imam Hussain under the treaty banner of his brother remains aloof from any kind of politics and suddenly on hearing the news about the accession of Yazid decides to protest against the move. The change in authority, however, did create difference of opinions among the Companions of Holy Prophet(pbuh) but why is it only Imam Hussain who wanted to stand against the step taken at administrative level. Imam Hussain wanted to convey the message to Muslim Ummah that Ahlul Bayt doesn’t recognize the authority of Yazid in other words “Rasulullah doesn’t entertain it”. This infact resulted in revealing the dark face of the oppressive regime which despite being Muslims wanted to have the pledge of allegiance from Ahlul Bayt for making itself legal although most of the Muslim world had accepted Yazid. There was a difference between a common muslim accepting Yazid as leader and Ahlul Bayt accepting him as a legal leader. This is the reason why only specific personalities are brought into the picture while discussing the pledge of allegiance to Yazid as they belonged to the families of the prominent companions e.g Hazrat Abdurrahman who was the son of Hazrat Abu Bakr likewise hazrat Abdullah son of Hazrat Umar etc. But Imam Hussain was not mere son of Hazrat Ali but Blood of Rasulullah pbuh that is why He stood up even when all other great companions disagreed with his opinion. It is worthy to mention that the stand against Yazid didn’t make Imam Hussain to discredit the companions of The Prophet as He respected their views and this shows how much Imam Hussain knew about his responsibility as the head of Ahlul Bayt, thus preserving the sanctity of Muslim ummah.
In the time where we all are divided on sectarian lines, we need to understand the message of Imam Hussain and Ahlul Bayt in proper context. No one will ever face Yazid but the disuniting factors will always be there. It is Imam Hussain who unites all of us as he shows us how to identify ourselves and choose our path but at the same time respecting the journey of others like he respected the situation and circumstances of the companions of Rasulullah pbuh. From Madina to Mecca and then to Karbala, Imam Hussain’s speeches didn’t include any kind of polarising statement against the Muslims who differed with him. The monumental sacrifice of Imam Hussain and Ahlul Bayt indeed has a great message for us. It should be taken as lesson for ourselves, in shaping our lives , in framing our decisions. Imam Hussain teaches us to collectively stand against the vices present in our society and at the same time respect each other’s view as all schools of thought are the different rays of the same source.

M Alam Masoodi