National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language Job Vacancies

National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language Job Vacancies
National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language Job Vacancies

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Temporary engagement of resource persons for Six Month having Certificate Course in Paper Mache and Urdu Language.

NCPUL in collaboration with Craft Development Institute, Srinagar is commencing six months Paper Mache course to train the individuals in Paper Mache Craft. Following resource persons are to be required on temporary basis:

Job Details:

S. No. Title Eligibility
1. Senior Trainer-cum- Urdu teacher Matriculation with Urdu language or its equivalent and having knowledge in the field of manufacturing of Paper Mache goods Or Registered Artisan (either with State Handicrafts Board or with Development Commissioner Handicrafts) having 10 years of experience in the Paper Mache trade
2. Trainer-cum- workshop In-charge Non-matriculation but skilled and having knowledge in the field of manufacturing of Paper Mache goods Or Registered Artisan (either with Slate Handicrafts Board or with Development Commissioner Handicrafts) having 5- year Experience in the Paper Mache trade
3. Attendant Class V or its equivalent or can read and write Urdu language


How to Apply:

Interested candidates having requisite qualifications can submit applications by or before 20th October, 2021 at Craft Development Institute, Baghi-Ali-Mardan Khan, Nowshera, Srinagar-190011

Phone: 0194-2411430 / 2411772


Dr. Aquil Ahmad
