JKPSC Job vacancies 2021 for 173 posts

JKPSC Job vacancies 2021 for 173 posts
JKPSC Job vacancies 2021 for 173 posts

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Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) invites applications through online mode are invited from the applicants who are domiciled in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir possessing the prescribed/Academic/ Professional qualification and age for the post of Assistant Professor, in terms of J&K (Gazetted) College Service Recruitment Rules of 2008 notified vide SRO 423 of 208 amended vide SRO-124 dated 21.4.2014 and “Jammu & Kashmir Probationer (Conduct of Service, Pay & Allowance) and Fixation of Tenure Rules, 2020” notified vide S.O. 192 of 2020 dated 17.06.2020 and the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (Business and Procedure) Rules, 2021.

Job Details:

Name of the post: Assistant Professor

Total No. of Vacancies: 173

Last date: 07-10-2021

How to apply:

Candidates are required to apply online through the website of the Commission i.e. http://www.jkpsc.nic.in No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted.


  1. Candidates are advised to update their One Time Registration before filling the application form.
  2. The Application Form together with instructions for filling up the Application Forms, will be available at the website of the Commission from 08.09.2021
  3. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions and all the eligibility conditions prescribed for the post before filing the online Application Form.
  4. Last date for filing of online Application complete in all respects along with the requisite fee (online mode only) is 07.10.2021
  5. The last date for receipt of online applications provided in the notification shall be the cut-off date for determining the eligibility as regards acquisition of Domicile Certificates and educational and professional qualifications.
  6. The minimum and maximum age will however be reckoned with reference to 1st January, 2021 13.10.2021, Instructions in this regard will be separately made available on the website.
  7. Candidates are not required to submit hard copy or any other documents to the Commission.
  8. Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability to pay fee or failure to login to the online application portal on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days.


Download Official Notification.