SKIMS Jobs Recruitment 2021 Full Details

SKIMS Jobs Recruitment 2021 Full Details
SKIMS Jobs Recruitment 2021 Full Details

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Jammu and Kashmir SKIMS Medical College/Hospital, Bemina, Srinagar

Applications on prescribed forms which can be downloaded from SKIMS website are invited from the Faculty Members of SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar and SKIMS Medical College/Hospital, Bemina, Srinagar for the post of Principal, SKIMS Medical College/Hospital Bemina, Srinagar, possessing following qualification and experience:

Essential Qualifications and Experience:

  1. Postgraduate Medical Qualification and other academic qualifications from a recognized Institution.
  2. Minimum of (10) ten years Teaching Experience as Professor/ Associate Professor (Additional Professor of SKIMS Faculty)/Reader in a Medical College/lnstitute out of which at least five years should be as Professor in a Department.
  3. Preference to be given to the Heads of the Departments.

Other Terms and Conditions for the post shall be as under:

  • The post shall be a full time Principal. ii) The post shall carry the pay level-14 (144200-218200)
  • The upper age limit shall be 62 years in respect of Faculty of SKIMS Soura and Faculty of SKIMS Medical College/ Hospital, Bernina as on 1st January 2021.
  • The appointment shall be on tenure for a period of 2 years.

Procedure for selection:

  1. The Selection Committee to be constituted by the Government for appointment of Principal SKIMS Medical College/ Hospital Bernina Srinagar, shall after careful scrutiny, examine the Bio-Data and the other record of the candidates that may be available and assess each case on the basis of the following criteria:
    • Academic Qualification
    • Teaching Experience
    • Research Experience
    • Administrative Experience
  2. After assessing the credentials of the candidates on the basis of aforesaid criteria, the Selection Committee may call such candidates as it may deem necessary/fit to the extent of 1:5 for a personal interaction to make further assessment of the candidates.
  3. The Selection Committee after completing the process of assessment, prepare a penal of three candidates in order of merit to be placed before the Chairman Governing Body, SKIMS for making selection for the post of Principal SKIMS Medical College/Hospital, Bernina, Srinagar.

Last Date for receipt of applications:

The last date for submission of the applications along with all the supportive documents/credentials in the office of Administrative Officer (Policy), SKIMS by hand or through Registered post is up to 20th January, 2021.

ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE NO. 01 OF 2021, DATED: 7th of January, 2021.