JKSSB Account Assistant Panchayat Very Important Notification

JKSSB Account Assistant Panchayat Very Important Notification
JKSSB Account Assistant Panchayat Very Important Notification

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Representation Received from Candidates regarding Correction/ Variation in Marks.

Whereas, Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board after conducting OMR based Written Test for the post of Accounts Assistant (Panchayat) declared result/score of the candidates who appeared/participated in the said written test;

Whereas post declaration of result the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board received representations from various candidates for seeking changes in the marks/ score in the Accounts Assistant (Panchayat) Exam and;

Whereas, the representation were examined and the scores awarded were cross verified with the original OMR Sheets of the candidates and;

Whereas, the marks awarded have been found correct and no variation has been found which would warrant any change in the marks awarded to the candidate.

Now therefore, in view of the above, it is notified for the information of the below named candidates that the scores awarded as per the Result/Merit list uploaded vide Notification No SSB/Secy/Sel/2020/5145-55 dated 25.12.2020 are correct and final.

Click here for Representation Received from Candidates regarding Correction/ Variation in Marks