JKSSB Jobs Recruitment for 1700 posts- Online Link Available now

JKSSB Jobs Recruitment for 1700 post- Online Link Available now
JKSSB Jobs Recruitment for 1700 post- Online Link Available now

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Advertisement for District/ Divisional/ UT Cadre posts of various Departments under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Services. Decentralization and Recruitment Act, 2010 and rules made there under read with other rules governing the subject.

S.No. Department No. of posts received Vide Indent No./reference of indent
1 Transport 144 TR.-09/SMG/2015

Dated 29-09­2020

Followed by


Dated 03-12-2020

2 Labour & Employment 78 L&E/Gen/53/2019-I

Dated 30-09­2020

Followed by


Dated 04-12­-2020

3. Culture 79 Cul/Gen/38/2020

Dated 29-09.2020

Followed by


Dated 03.12.2020

4. Election 137 4568/CEO/Estt/


Dated 28-09-2020

5. Tribal Affairs 16 TAD/09/2020

Dated 01.10.2020

6 Finance 1246 FD/Coord/08/2020

Dated 19-11­2020


Dated 20-11­2020

Total 1700


Starting date to apply online: 05-01-2021 (Changed from 27-12-2020 to 30-12-2020, Again Changed to 05-01-2021)

Last Date for submission of online applications =16-01-2021

Total Number of posts advertised = 1700

  • Age limit: (as on 01-01-2020)

The requirement of age for Open Merit & various Reserved Categories candidates is as follows:

S.No Category Age limit Not born before Not born After
(i) OM 40 01-01-1980 01-01-2002
(ii) SC 43 01-01-1977 01-01-2002
(iii) ST 43 01-01-1977 01-01-2002
(iv) RBA 43 01-01-1977 01-01-2002
(V) ALC/IB 43 01-01-1977 01-01-2002
(vi) EWS(Economically

Weaker Section)

43 01-01-1977 01-01-2002
(vii) PSP                  (Pahari

Speaking People)

43 01-01-1977 01-01-2002
(viii) OSC (Other Social


43 01-01-1977 01-01-2002
(ix) Physically

Challenged Person

42 01-01-1978 01-01-2002
(X) Ex-Servicemen 48 01-01-1972 01-01-2002
(xi) Government



40 01-01-1980 01-01-2002


Qualification Required:

  • As per the Indent(s) received from the concerned respective Indenting Departments, qualification to the posts advertised are in the enclosed Annexure “A” to this notification.
  • The candidates who are declared qualified by the Board for Document Verification will be required to produce the relevant Certificates such as Mark sheets, Provisional Certificates, etc. for completion of Graduation /Post-Graduation Degree/PhD Degree in original as proof of having acquired the prescribed educational qualification on or before 16-01-2021, failing which the candidature of such candidates shall be cancelled by the Board. The candidates who are able to prove, by documentary evidence, that the result of the qualifying examination was declared on or before the cut-off date e 16-01-2021 and he/ she has been declared passed, will also be considered to meet the educational qualification.
  • In case of candidates claiming possession of equivalent educational qualification(where it is applicable/required), it shall be mandatory to produce relevant Equivalence Certificate from the concerned competent authorities at the time of Document Verification. However, final decision regarding selection of such candidates will be taken by the Board/concerned Departments.
  • Any candidate having his/her qualification other than prescribed shall not be eligible for posts advertised.
  • The degrees/ diplomas obtained through distance modes which are in consonance with the Govt. Order No. 252-HE of 2012 dated.30.05.2012 shall be entertained subject to the terms and conditions mentioned therein


  • Reservation for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes(ST), Economically Weaker Section(EWS), Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Pahari Speaking People(PSP), etc for the above posts, wherever applicable and admissible, would be as determined & communicated by the Indenting Department, as per the provisions of S.O 127 dated 20-04-2020.
  • A candidate seeking his /her consideration under Reserved Categories must ensure that he/she possess the requisite Category Certificate valid on the Cut Off Date.
  • Candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional till the genuineness of the Reserved Category Certificate is verified by the Appointing Authority.
  • Candidates are cautioned to note that in case a claim for reservation is made on the basis of false/fake/fraudulent certificate, he/she shall debarred from the examination(s) conducted by the Board, in addition to any other action as may be deemed appropriate.

Horizontal Reservation (wherever applicable under rules):

  1. The horizontal reservation for Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicapped persons to the extent of 6% and 4% respectively means the reservation which would cut across the vertical reservation and the persons selected shall have to be placed in the appropriate category by making necessary adjustments. In respect of Physically Handicapped persons the reservation shall be available only for services, posts and type of disability identified for the purpose by the competent authority.
  2. The horizontal reservation to the extent of 6% of the available vacancies shall be provided to the Ex- Servicemen, upto such pay scales, as has been specified by the competent authority in S.O 127 dated 20-04-2020.
  3. The candidates applying under ESM category shall be entitled for reservation under the said category only once in life time for the purpose of seeking employment in any Government Department.

Permissible disabilities for PwD candidates:

  1. The disabilities identified/ permissible for the instant posts advertised through this notification, shall be notified separately in accordance with the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and in consultation with the Indenting Department, before finalization of the selection process.
  2. The posts may be declared as identified for additional disabilities as per the provisions of the “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” at any later date in consultation with the Indenting Department. Candidates with such disabilities for which the posts are declared as identified will also be eligible for final selection.

Application Fee:

  • Fee payable: Rs 350/- (Rs Three Hundred Fifty only)
  • Fee can be paid only online through Net Banking, Credit or Debit cards.
  • Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection will be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or selection.
  • All the disputes related to refund of excess payment, if any, are subject matter of the J&K Service Selection Board. Candidates are advised to apply for refund of excess payment, if any, through official portal ssbjk.org only. No chargeback request shall be entertained.

See Complete Official Notification Here

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